CS:GO (Counter-Strike Global Offensive) is a massively addictive and rewarding game as you have or maybe are just about to experience but there is a lot to learn compared to some other first-person shooters.
Below is a list of quick tips and tricks designed to be 10 seconds or less each to help when you start learning CS:GO.
  1. Configure your machineYour default or current settings on your machine are unlikely to be optimal for playing CS:GO. This guide is a decent starting point.
  2. Configure your game settings
    Some game settings universally make the game easier to play and others will help performance in relation to your specific hardware capabilities. This guide is a decent starting point.
  3. Adjust your HUD for widescreen
    If you play on a widescreen monitor consider adjusting your HUD (heads-up display) so it’s more central on the screen and therefore easier to glance at. To do this open CS:GO, click Options > Video Settings > HUD Size > reduce the Horizontal Alignment.
  4. Find the right mouse sensitivity
    The standard in game (not hardware or operating system) mouse sensitivity is normally too high by default. This YouTube video has a good guide for working out the best sensitivity for you.
  5. Change your crosshair
    The default crosshair isn’t necessarily the best configuration for your screen, setup or personal preference. Find the size, colour and style which works best for you. Here’s a tool to help you get started.
  6. Use custom key binds
    You can configure any key on the keyword with a different action so depending on your preferences it can highly advantageous to add additional keyboard commands or change the default keys to be more useful for example changing Q, which by default switches to your previous weapon, to be a shortcut to pulling out a flash grenade which is very useful.

  7. Learn recoil controlEach gun in CS:GO with the exceptions of a few such as some of the snipers have a spray pattern. If you simply held down fire, or fire repeatedly, without moving the crosshair they typically don’t continue to fire where you’re aiming. Learn how to control that spray by learning the patterns and mouse movement needed to keep firing on your target. This workshop with recoil training guides can help a lot but note that whilst the pattern displayed is right the size of movement is only accurate on the wall at certain distances.
  8. Train your reflexes
    This YouTube video demonstrates a good training map for this purpose and how best to use it.
  9. Practice crosshair placement
    This YouTube video teaches you how placing your crosshair at the most likely spot where the head of an opponent will appear is one of the best way to improve your aiming and how to practice to “glue” your crosshair to the corner of the wall.
  10. Learn Sidestep and/or Strafe shooting
    This YouTube video teaches you how to shoot whilst evading enemy fire combining movement with shooting and accuracy.
  11. Learn how to pre-fire
    There’s lots of places on maps where you’ll typically find an enemy waiting. Once you know these spots you can pre-fire them without having to react to an expected player in the position.
  12. Learn how to burst-fire
    Burst firing whilst incorporating your recoil control will help eliminate enemies quickly.

  13. Play lots and lots of deathmatch games
    It’s a really fast way to learn all of the shooting techniques and practice lots of angles on the map
  14. Stick to 1 or 2 maps
    There’s so much to learn in the game play itself initially that it can be overwhelming. Stick to 1 or 2 maps, Dust 2 is a good all round map and very popular, until you’ve happy you’re proficient with all the game skills and then you can incorporate additional maps into your rotation.
  15. You don’t need to purchase ammo
    Unlike older versions of Counter-Strike the ammo on CS:GO is restocked automatically for you on both primary and secondary weapons without it costing you any money on round start.
  16. You don’t need to reload between rounds
    Unlike older versions of Counter-Strike the your weapons are reloaded for you on round start.
  17. Learn a map’s calloutsCallouts are the terms used to reference places on a map. It’s imperative to know the callouts on a map so you can quickly tell your team where enemy players are or where you need to go to assist others.
  18. Learn smoke and flash grenade positions
    If you have decided to stick with Dust 2 here’s a good list of smoke and flash positionsyou can utilise. In the Silver ranks these are hugely overlooked and will give you a great edge.
  19. Learn distances and their timings
    Knowing how long it will take you, or your opponents to get from Point A to Point B can invaluable in decision making in game.
  20. Learn a few guns inside outRather than being average with every gun available in the game choose 1 or 2 pistols, smg’s and rifles and stick with them until you know them inside out including their spray patterns, pros and cons, cost, damage distances and so on. Then you can move onto incorporating more weapons into your arsenal while still being effective in game.
  21. Understand the money system
    Once you know how much you’ll receive the following rounds for wins/loses, kills, bomb plants and so on you can better budget your money and know whether you can afford to buy or if you should eco as an individual and as a team. Here’s the CS:GO money systembreakdown. It also lets you understand when the enemy team might have bought or be on eco so you can anti-eco.
  22. Learn prices of items
    Start by remembering the cost of the weapons and items you purchase regularly. This will prevent you buying a gun then realizing you don’t have enough left for armor or the grenade you really wanted.
  23. Warmup before matches
    Even a 5 minute warm-up on deathmatch or a headshot only map will get you on track for a game rather than warming up in game which can cost your team valuable rounds.
  24. Playing casual doesn’t effect your rank
    Your official rank is only adjusted by playing in competitive matches. Playing on the community or casual servers has no impact on your rank.
  25. Sell items you win
    At the end of games drops are randomly assigned to players. You can sell these in the marketplace for real cash.
  26. Go for headshots
    Many guns will achieve a 1 kill headshot and this is the quickest way to kill an opponent.
  27. Keep your crosshair at head levelThis will make achieving headshots far easier so you don’t need to move your crosshair into position if you run around aiming at the floor.
  28. Don’t shoot while running
    It makes your weapon wildly inaccurate
  29. Pickup free items after rounds end
    If you’re still alive after a round officially ends, with a team being announced the winner, there’s a bit of time before the next round starts during which you can run around and pick up any guns, grenades or defuse kits you can find.
  30. Hide when you’re reloading
    You are most vulnerable when you’re reloading so do so under the cover of your environment or a teammate. Be ready to quickly pull our your secondary weapon if an enemy appears.
  31. Grenades can be thrown at different distances
    In addition to left clicking to normal or long throw you can right AND left click to medium throw or right click only to short throw. Running and jumping also effect the distance you can throw a grenade. Here’s a detailed grenade guide covering this in much more detail.
  32. Grenades can bounce off objects
    You can bounce grenades of walls, boxes, poles and other objects in the game. There’s also lots of visual elements on maps, such as roofs and buildings, which won’t deflect a grenade and just allow them to pass through so explore and play around with what works.
  33. Use clever grenades
    It’s great that you have perhaps spent time to learn a new grenade which is going to help your side counter the other team, but the grenade is not always going to help if you’re teammates have already bypassed that spot. Think about the situation your team is in and whether the grenade is necessary.
  34. Defusal kits reduce defuse time
    Without a defuse kit defusal takes 10 seconds. With a defuse kit it takes 5 seconds.
  35. Guns can shoot through surfaces
    Some can’t. Lots can. How much damage they will do after passing through a surface depends on the power of the weapon, how close you are and the type of surface. Once you’re familiar with this you can kill enemies who are hiding and also hide in places where you’re less likely to be killed.
  36. You can’t shoot while bomb planting
    Planting takes 3 seconds during which time you’re vulnerable from enemy fire.
  37. Use clever bomb planting
    You can plant in a place which gives you cover while you plant but might not be easy to cover or defend. You can plant out in the open which leaves you very vulnerable during planting but means you can cover it much more easily from being defused.
  38. Use clever bomb carrying
    If you’re carrying the bomb and leading the rush, drop the bomb in a spot your team control before you enter an opponent controlled area incase you die and give them control of the bomb in the process. This is why  you’ll often see players chucking the bomb away before advancing in a game.
  39. Use E to pick up weapons
    Whilst normally you might pick up a gun by running over it you can stand near to a weapon and press E (or your use key) to pick it up. Very useful if you want to pick up a gun without having to peek round a corner to retrieve it.
  40. Use smoke for cover
    Smoke can be used to prevent an enemy seeing into a certain area but can also be used to cover you if you have to defuse a bomb out in the open.
  41. Constantly be aware
    There’s tons to be aware of during a game. Over time they will become second nature but being aware of each element listed below will improve your game so much that they’ve been given their own section.
  42. Awareness – Ammo
    Be aware of how many rounds (bullets) are left in your clip as well as how many additional rounds you have available in additional magazines you are carrying. Your HUD will show you 2 numbers in the bottom right. The first is the number of rounds in your current magazine and the second number is how many additional rounds you have available.
  43. Awareness – Teammates
    Knowing where your teammates are is crucial. It prevents you injuring them with gunfire or grenades as well as alerting you to where the enemy is if they die. You can see team locations on the radar in the top left of your HUD. You can see where they are on the map if they’ve used radio commands which are accompanied with their callout location in the HUD chat area.
  44. Awareness – Free resources
    Constantly scan the ground for guns, grenades and defuse kits which have been dropped when players die. This can allow you to upgrade your weapons or gain additional resources which can impact how you’re able to play the rest of the round or impact on later rounds.
  45. Awareness – Health
    Keep an eye on your health in the bottom left of the HUD. The first number is your player’s health and the second number is your armor level. Both start at max 100 and deplete at 0.
  46. Awareness – Time
    Time is displayed in the top middle of the HUD. If you know the enemy doesn’t have time to complete their objective before the round time ends you can hide knowing your team will win the round and prevent the enemy from winning by killing you.
  47. Control the bots
    If you have a bot on your team, in competitive a player who leaves or is kicked is replaced with a bot, you can take control of them once you die by pressing E (or your use key).
  48. Control the bots 2The bots when not being controlled by a player will often rush out and die early in the round. You can effect what they do by using certain radio commands but note they don’t always obey them.

  49. Don’t take it personally
    It’s common for players to be abusive in game especially to new or inexperienced players. Don’t take it personally. Sometimes it will be in jest or light humour, other times the player might just be frustrated or annoyed at themselves and lashing out. Other times players will be trying to wind you up. Learning to block it out and not let it effect your game is hard for some people unfortunately it happens at all skills levels so it’s worth finding strategies to cope with it.
  50. Have fun!
    CS can get heated. Whether it’s your team, your opponents or just you putting pressure on yourself it can be easy to get caught up in the game so remember that you’re doing it for fun.

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